The Big Match

Search traffic for cars spikes during the Super Bowl as OEMs release spots promoting their new models. But OEM spots aren’t the only ones that have cars in them. Since is obsessed with matching people with their perfect car, we identified every single car in every single ad and directed viewers to vehicle detail pages in order to learn more. In order to have our creative as contextually relevant as possible, we had to shoot 5 days before the Super Bowl and do post-production on 85 unique assets all the way up to and during the game.

We Met On

In a crowded and commoditized industry, set out to reposition themselves as a “matchmaker”. We helped them introduce this new brand promise through an integrated campaign called We Met On It included TV spots, quirky YouTube ads that played with the skip button, :06 bumpers, banner ads, and even a partnership with Tinder.

One Star’s Salesperson Connect allows shoppers to read reviews on individual salespeople and select who they want to work with rather than walking into the dealership blind.